BREAKING! New folding robot to set foot on industrial laundry business.

October 26, 2018

New folding robot to set foot on industrial laundry business
Say hello to robin at Expo Detergo in Milan, Italy, 19th – 22ndOctober 2018
At the Expo Detergo in Milan, Italy, Laundry Robotics will present its very first industrial laundry robot named ‘robin’. robin is a highly dedicated laundry folding expert, feeding regular towel folders with 720 towels per hour. robin works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and offers 100% consistent and reliable output, high quality and productivity without any downtime.

This revolutionary solution picks up terry towels and offers them to any industrial towel folding machine. It uses Deep Learning software that was developed exclusively for Laundry Robotics for use in industrial laundries, by a third party affiliated to a Dutch Technical University.

About Laundry Robotics
In today’s laundry business, finding ways to work faster, smarter and cheaper is key, in order to be prepared for the future. Laundry Robotics designs, develops and creates robotic solutions for human challenges in the laundry business. Helping hands that are always there. Accurate, industrious and highly productive.

Expo Detergo, 19 – 22 October, 2018
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet robin at the Expo Detergo. He can be admired at the Laundry Robotics booth where he will be connected to the towel folding machine Lena, of BIKO Engineering.

For more information about robin and about Laundry Robotics, please visit