Newsletter in 4 languages. The professional laundry industry is now “squeaking and creaking”. In many regions, it is proving almost impossible to find the right amount of...
The Laundry Robotics team welcomes you together with the BIKO Engineering AG team in Fiera Milano at the EXPOdetergo International 2022 in Hall 1P – Booths E01 F10.
Newsletter – our NEW dealer. We would like to introduce our new dealer in Denmark. A reputable company with many years of experience in the professional laundry industry.
Our dealers are reputable companies with many years of experience in the professional laundry industry. Reliable players who are happy to serve you. Now and in the future!
De allereerste industriële wasserijrobot komt binnenkort naar Nederland! Het verlichten van het werk op de werkvloer van de wasserij is, uiteraard, al langer bezig...
De verwachtingen waren hoog gespannen en werden ook waargemaakt. Spraakmakende innovaties in robottechnologie en automatisering werden tijdens de Expo Detergo...
Das Datenformat sei offen und könne für jede Software weiterverwendet werden. Für Aufsehen sorgte em neues Unternehmen. Laundry Robotics ist ein Joint Venture des Schweizer...